After the Mud Flat Yard Sale was over, the kids still had some items left. They decided to try and sell them in an online yardsale.
Task 1: Read the post before yours and determine if the shopper correctly identified two different ways to make the amount of money that he/she needed. Respond to the post, telling him/her if they were correct. If there was a mistake, explain what he/she did wrong.
Task 2: Choose one item you would like to buy and list two different ways to make that amount of money. Post your response.
I would like to buy the book for $0.99. I could make that amount using 9 dimes and 9 pennies.
Another way I could make 99 cents is to use 3 quarters, 2 dimes, and 4 pennies.
Caroline, you made 99 cents correctly.
I would like to buy the cup for $1.34. I could make that amount using 1 dollar, 1 quarter, 1 nickel, and 4 pennies.
I could also make it using 1 dollar, 3 dimes, and 4 pennies.
Yes Andrew you are right.I wood like to buy the popeye move for $1.15 I cood use 1 doller 1 dime and 5 pennys.4 quirters 1 dime 5 pennys.
Andrew that is correct. I want to buy the glow stick for 42 cents. heres 1 way 1 quarter 1 dime and 1 nickel and 2 pennys.4 dimes 2 pennys.
you done good. I Would like the headbands they cost 85& so i can make it with 3Q and 1D. thats how i can make it with chaneg.
you done good. I Would like the headbands they cost 85& so i can make it with 3Q and 1D. thats how i can make it with chaneg.
I want to buy.The cup for 1.34.And get back 1.00.By using 4 qurters.It's 1.00.
Yes he is rite. I will buy the pencils 3 quarters 1 penny.
yes hayden and carmon you are right.I would like to buy the glow sticks for 42 cents i will count my money like this i will use 4 dimes and 2 pennnies .......
Yes Breianna and Chisshona you are right you can make 42 cents with 4 dimes and 2 pennies.We would like to buy headbands for 85 cents we can use 3 Quarters and 1 dime another way we can make 85 cents with 8 dimes and 1 nickel.
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