Wednesday, September 8, 2010


What is the fewest coins possible to make $0.36?

Answer the question and then make up one of your own to post.


Anonymous said...

The fewest coins to make 36 cents is 1 quarter, 1 dime, 1 penny.

What is the fewest coins possible to make $0.75?

Anonymous said...

The fewest amount of coins to make 75 cents is 3 quarters

What is the fewest coins possible to make 0.86 cents?

Anonymous said...

3 Quiters is the fewest coins possible.

what is the fewest coins to make $0.95?

Anonymous said...

I think that three Qurters will make $0.75

what is the fewist coins to make $1.00

ARIKA said...

YOU can started with a qurtur then you can add 1 nickel then i add 6 penny.That is how i make it.

morgan smith said...

1 quirter 1 dime 1 penny.

How do you make $0.95?

chesney said...

you start with the total witch is 36. then add 1 quarter 1 nickel and add 6 penny's.